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The root of the Red library.


Creates a new event object.

	Name: string | { Name: string, Unreliable: boolean? }, -- Event config
	Validate: (...unknown) -> T..., -- Validates event payloads
) -> Event<T...>
	Name: string | { Name: string, Unreliable: boolean? }, -- Event config
	Validate: (...unknown) -> T..., -- Validates event payloads
) -> Event<T...>

This will create an event with the passed config.

If you pass a string, it will be used as the event name and the event will be reliable. If you pass a table you have the option to make the event unreliable.


The name of the event must be unique, using the same name twice will result in an error.

The validation function is used to validate the type of the payloads. The function has three rules:

  1. The callback returns the arguments in the same order they were passed in.
  2. The callback must error if the arguments are invalid.
  3. The callback must narrow the types of the arguments.
return Red.Event("EventName", function(Number, String)
	return Guard.Number(Number), Guard.String(String)
return Red.Event("EventName", function(Number, String)
	return Guard.Number(Number), Guard.String(String)


It is recommended to use Guard to typecheck payloads as it also narrows types.


Creates a new function object.

<A..., R...>(
	Name: string, -- The name of the function
	ValidateArg: (...unknown) -> A..., -- Validates function arguments
	ValidateRet: (...unknown) -> R..., -- Validates function returns
) -> Function<A..., R...>
<A..., R...>(
	Name: string, -- The name of the function
	ValidateArg: (...unknown) -> A..., -- Validates function arguments
	ValidateRet: (...unknown) -> R..., -- Validates function returns
) -> Function<A..., R...>

This will create a function with the passed name.


The name of the function must be unique, using the same name twice will result in an error.

The validation functions are used to validate the type of the arguments and returns. The functions have the same three rules as event validation functions:

  1. The callback returns the arguments in the same order they were passed in.
  2. The callback must error if the arguments are invalid.
  3. The callback must narrow the types of the arguments.
return Red.Function("FunctionName", function(Number, String)
	return Guard.Number(Number), Guard.String(String)
end, function(Number, String)
	return Guard.Number(Number), Guard.String(String)
return Red.Function("FunctionName", function(Number, String)
	return Guard.Number(Number), Guard.String(String)
end, function(Number, String)
	return Guard.Number(Number), Guard.String(String)


It is recommended to use Guard to typecheck as it also narrows types.


Creates a new SharedEvent object.

	Name: string | { Name: string, Unreliable: boolean? }, -- Event config
	Validate: (...unknown) -> T... -- Validates event payloads
) -> SharedCallEvent<T...>
	Name: string | { Name: string, Unreliable: boolean? }, -- Event config
	Validate: (...unknown) -> T... -- Validates event payloads
) -> SharedCallEvent<T...>

This will create a SharedEvent with the passed config.

If you pass a string, it will be used as the event name and the event will be reliable. If you pass a table you have the option to make the event unreliable.


The name of the event must be unique, using the same name twice will result in an error.

The validation function is used to validate the type of the payloads. The function has three rules:

  1. The callback returns the arguments in the same order they were passed in.
  2. The callback must error if the arguments are invalid.
  3. The callback must narrow the types of the arguments.
return Red.SharedEvent("EventName", function(Number, String)
	return Guard.Number(Number), Guard.String(String)
return Red.SharedEvent("EventName", function(Number, String)
	return Guard.Number(Number), Guard.String(String)


It is recommended to use Guard to typecheck as it also narrows types.


Creates a new SharedSignalEvent object.

	Name: string | { Name: string, Unreliable: boolean? }, -- Event config
	Validate: (...unknown) -> T... -- Validates event payloads
) -> SharedSignalEvent<T...>
	Name: string | { Name: string, Unreliable: boolean? }, -- Event config
	Validate: (...unknown) -> T... -- Validates event payloads
) -> SharedSignalEvent<T...>

This will create a SharedSignalEvent with the passed config.

If you pass a string, it will be used as the event name and the event will be reliable. If you pass a table you have the option to make the event unreliable.


The name of the event must be unique, using the same name twice will result in an error.

The validation function is used to validate the type of the payloads. The function has three rules:

  1. The callback returns the arguments in the same order they were passed in.
  2. The callback must error if the arguments are invalid.
  3. The callback must narrow the types of the arguments.
return Red.SharedSignalEvent("EventName", function(Number, String)
	return Guard.Number(Number), Guard.String(String)
return Red.SharedSignalEvent("EventName", function(Number, String)
	return Guard.Number(Number), Guard.String(String)


It is recommended to use Guard to typecheck as it also narrows types.